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Barnsley FC 130th Anniversary project update

Hi Everybody, I hope you are well, I had initially tried to keep a diary day by day of my time at Oakwell, but things got quite busy with the paintings and with my love of the football club, I was so engrossed with the completion of the paintings and promoting them on social media, that my blog or news section of my website has become a bit neglected as of late. I will up date it now painting by painting and look to talk about each one in detail. I also documented my time at Barnsley FC through a video, but in the mean time here are a selection of images that show my time at Oakwell over the last few months. Being a Barnsley fan this has been a very special project and I’m very honoured to have been involved with my club and the Reds in the community heritage project Our Club, Our Ground, Our Past, Our Future.

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